Next Cornerstone Online Experience
WATCH LIVE IN: 1 Days, 01 Hours, 55 Minutes, 33 Seconds

Serve Alaska Trip 2

SERVE Trips are an excellent opportunity to develop a deeper faith in Christ, serve people, discover other cultures, develop deeper friendship, and spread the love of Christ. Missionary Aviation Repair Center (MARC) is based in Soldotna, Alaska that exists to fly people and supplies where there are no roads. They train and support other missionaries and their aircraft. Our team will assist with various construction and upkeep projects. The experience will also include daily devotions, team discussions, and free time in the evening for salmon fishing. At the end, we will have a halibut fishing trip. Trip cost is approximately $2,260..

Trip Cost: $2,260 - Price includes airfare, transportation, meals in Alaska, accommodations, travel medical insurance, and supplies. Cost does not include passport, immunizations, airport meals, or spending money.

 Deposit: $900

Max Participants: 12

Date and Time

July 27 - August 4



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